فارسی عربي

I promote peace by acting in war-themed films: actress

In an exclusive interview with ifilm, Iranian actress Fatemeh Motamed-Arya has talked about her performances in TV series.

In an exclusive interview with ifilm, Iranian actress Fatemeh Motamed-Arya has talked about her performances in TV series and the roles that she has played in the films with the theme of war.

Fatemeh Motamed-Arya is one of the most successful Iranian female actors. A simple evaluation of her resume confirms this claim because it shows that she has played in many various and astonishing roles.

She believes that her acting in the TV series ‘Ziba Barbershop’ has let the mass of TV viewers become familiar with her and it was a milestone for her as an actress.

Below are the selected parts of the interview originally conducted by ifilm in Persian:

ifilm: TV viewers remember memorable moments with your top acting performances in the series like ‘Under the Blade’, ‘The Chef’. Now a days if you receive such acting offers, do you accept?

Fatemeh Motamed-Arya: I am so much interested in playing roles at TV series or the collections that many people all around the country watch them. I like to keep this great number of viewers and work for them. Besides, as an artist I like to do something for the people of my country. Through the opportunity that TV series provide for me to have wider relation with people, I always find that lots of positive energy is released in me. That’s why I am so eager to work for TV collections. I always welcome all good offers eagerly but I have newly rejected an offer for acting in a TV series because it was far from my acting taste.

ifilm: working for children is a part of your taste in your profession as an actress. Children have good memories from some of your performances in this field. The question is if you are interested to continue working for the current generation of children.    

Fatemeh Motamed-Arya: Well, I have to say that I have recently finished a work for children. More news and explanations about it will be released soon. Unfortunately cinematic works for children have just been limited to producing cheap productions for commercial purposes. Our team tried to change the dominant culture in this field but we were not successful and because of this we are not active in this realm anymore.

ifilm: In recent years you have had strong presence in the movies and festivals depicting the theme of war. How do you justify this much intention to play roles in war related products?

Fatemeh Motamed-Arya: Of course I do not like war. This is just the tribute that I pay to my country. The evil nature of war and what was imposed on my country during the years of war is like a burden on my shoulders that I want to show it through war-related films and activities. From the early days of imposed war until now I have played roles related to war. These artistic activities are all about the consequences of war that have been imposed on the people of my country. The stage play ‘Memory Sealed Freshens’ does not have expiration date and can reflect the devastating consequences of war on the life of people all around the world. My personal point of view about the world is associated with peace. The reason that I play role in war-themed movies and plays is nothing but to promote peace.


